

Dive into fastening expertise with insightful articles that help you elevate production and take on your toughest jobs.

Structural Bolt Stickout: Minimums and Maximums
Structural bolt stickout is just what it sounds like – it’s the amount of threads protruding beyond the...
Structural Bolt Reuse – Can I Reuse a Structural Bolt?
Every now and again, we get questions on structural bolt reuse, and the answer is always the...
White Rust Prevention on Structural Bolting Components
White rust is a common problem in the structural steel industry. It is typically caused by improper...
Torque vs. Tension – What’s More Important in Structural Bolting?
Torque vs. Tension: Why Torque is Not a Reliable Means for Measuring Tension Often, our customers will...
Structural Bolting – How Should I Store Components on the Jobsite?
Proper jobsite storage and handling of structural bolting components can mean the difference between an...
F3125 Grade A325 and A490 Tensions Control Bolt Dimensions
Birmingham Fastener carries F3125 A325 and A490 TC Bolts in the following dimensions. If you have any...
Bolt Length Estimation Table for F3125 Grade A325 and A490 Bolts
This table can be used as a guide for bolt length estimation for our structural bolts. Add the length...
Suitable Nuts for Use with F3125 Grade ASTM A325 and A490 Bolts
For information on choosing the correct nuts for our F3125 structural bolts, please see the chart below. If...
F3125 Grade A325 and A490 Heavy Hex Bolt Nominal Dimensions (Inches)
This chart details the nominal dimensions of our F3125 structural bolts. You can download a printable...

The Nuts and Bolts of Staying Informed

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